
Patricia V. Conroy

January 20, 1933 - March 4, 2023
candle-small flame
Egizi Funeral Home
candle-small flame
Joanne McGaha
candle-small flame
Stephanie Pretzer
candle-small flame
Amanda Rose Light a candle
Light a Candle
Flowers & Gifts

Arrangements starting at $35

Egizi Funeral Home
119 Ganttown Road
Turnersville, NJ 08012
(856) 227-9500 | Map
Friday 3/10, 9:00 am - 10:30 am
Egizi Funeral Home
119 Ganttown Road
Turnersville, NJ 08012
(856) 227-9500 | Map
Friday 3/10, 10:30 am
St. Mary's Cemetery
Walnut Street
Williamstown, NJ 08094
Friday 3/10

Patricia V. Conroy (nee Duber) On March 4, 2023 of Cape May. Age 90. Devoted wife of the late William P. Conroy, Sr. Devoted mother of William P. Conroy, Jr., Michael P. Conroy (Laura), James S. Conroy (Lisa), Peter J. Conroy, Patricia Ann Conroy, and the late Paul J. Conroy, Sr. (Sherry). Loving grandmother ofContinue Reading

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Joanne McGaha left a message on March 12, 2023:
In memory of Patricia V. Conroy, Joanne McGaha lit a candle
Joanne McGaha left a message on March 12, 2023:
Pat was my neighbor for many years. A wonderful mother and friend who will be dearly missed. My deepest sympathies to the family.
Jan Downie left a message on March 10, 2023:
Pat was my neighbor, friend and confident when needed. She was always upbeat and happy. A pleasure to know and I loved her deeply She will be deeply missed. RIP.
Eleise Queensbury left a message on March 10, 2023:
Amy, So sorry to hear about the loss of your Mommom. I know how close you two were and how much you meant to one another. May the wonderful and beautiful memories you have sustain you at this time and moving forward. God bless you and your family. Love Eleise
Patty Conroy left a message on March 10, 2023:
My Beautiful Mom, I am most grateful to God for his gracious gift of having you as Mom. In young years I recall records playing while you performed perpetual household chores, all the while singing to your favorite tunes. Birthdays and holidays were celebrated, along with annual excursions to Wildwood. You and Dad put incredible effort into creating, managing and nourishing a good start of life for us kids. Thank you for your hard work. As I matured into a young lady, even with being the only girl in a band of boys, you encouraged and empowered me to experience a fulfilled life which nurtured an independent nature. Thank you for having my back. Leaving the Pennsauken nest and testing the waters of my place in the world, your assurance and support were unwavering and gave me the confidence to explore new adventures. I couldn't have done it without you. You managed extreme difficulties with grace and dignity. A smile and kind word for a friend, neighbor, stranger. An attentive and empathetic ear, and genuine warm nature. Your vibrant, beautiful spirit, charming mannerisms, wonderfully fun demeanor, nutty sense of humor, you are my inspiration in seriousness and silliness. The place you own is deep within my heart. Thank you for making me feel as though being my Mom was the best job in the world. Please accept my deepest gratitude for being my Mom.
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Colleen Kelley left a message on March 10, 2023:
SIRACH 65: 14-17 14 A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter: he that has found one has found a treasure. 15 There is nothing so precious as a faithful friend, and no scales can measure his excellence. 16 A faithful friend is an elixir of life; and those who fear the Lord will find him. 17 Whoever fears the Lord directs his friendship aright, for as he is, so is his neighbor also. I found a faithful friend through Mrs. C. And then, found her--again--through Mrs. C. We all have had some trying times, so I won't belabor the topic. Suffice it to say, that at the young age of 36, I lost, retrograde, 20 years of memory. Most likely, many more. Fast forward: I attended a First Holy Communion at St. Peter Merchantville, my niece's. In a long shot to make me feel that I still belonged, no matter what I can remember and cannot, my brother had invited me. We sat in the back. We heckled. We were bad. Proving nothing had--indeed--changed. I looked up at the parade of people returning from Communion between the pews' end and the wall. I saw her. A Mom, I am sure. Beautiful smile. Poised. Peaceful. I knew I knew her from the warm wave that washed over me, but who was she? Before I could ask my brother if he recognized her, I saw the "other her" in line behind her: the embodiment of a bestie--Patty C.--from St. Pete's Grammar School. She had to be about nine or 10. But that can't be. I am 36. After Mass, as I set out to find whom I realized--at the time--had to be Mrs C. since she stood right in front of 10-year-old Patty C., Mrs C. had set out to find me. She had recognized me, too, returning from Communion even after all those years. She introduced the "replikid" of Patty C., standing next to her, as a niece. Made sense. This girl was Patty's niece just like I was there for my niece. I didn't have a moment to explain my current condition before Mrs. C. was hugging me and warming me again with that smile. "Patty," she said, "has been trying to find you for years." Afraid that both Mrs. C. and Patty C. would hear the stranger in my voice, I shared an email address to give to Patty. I sought to hide the hard years as much as I could, certain Patty C. would never want to be friends with this new, unimproved, damaged version of the St. Pete's bestie. I was wrong. So, thank you Mrs. C. for giving me Patty C. 2x. And, for the gift of your example, your lilt, your guidance, in addition to your daughter. You are already missed and the world is colder without your warm smile.
Maureen F English left a message on March 9, 2023:
Patty: As I told you before, be proud of how you took such care of her! I remember her at your Dad's funeral and as you said how we hugged that night. She was a sweet lady and loved you very much and you have such beautiful memories. So sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to your brothers and their families too. Love, Maureen
Mary Lou Pytlewski-Jefferson left a message on March 9, 2023:
I was so sorry to see the notice of the passing of Aunt Pat. She was always a such a sweet and generous person to be around, I know her presence will be missed but her memory lives on as one of those unforgettable people who touched so many lives. My love and condolences to the entire family
Donna and Dave Decker left a message on March 8, 2023:
My heart is heavy for all the Conroy's as they move forward without the heartbeat of the family... My heart is sad that I will never get to see Mrs. C.'s sweet smile or hear her bubbly voice again.... she always made me feel special and I'm pretty sure she had that effect on everyone she met. And, without her giving birth to Mike and having a New Year's party way back when, Dave and I might never have met. We will be forever grateful to her for this! While my heart is sad, it is also happy knowing that her ending here on earth is also a beginning for her in a new realm where she is free from a 90-year old body and where she has reunited with many loved ones. I will choose to think of her as dancing and twirling around in joy simply rejoicing at the magnificence of it all. Thank you for being the wonderful soul that you are. Rest in peace knowing how loved you are Mrs. C. Love, Donna and Dave
Harvey Roach left a message on March 8, 2023:
My wife Kathy and I are so very sorry to hear that your dear Mother has passed. We were lucky to be friends and neighbors of Pat and Bill on Chatam Drive since 1987. She was such a dear, sweet soul, we will miss her very much! On those rare occasions when we had a deep snow our son Charles would be off down the street with the snow blower, anxious to clear his friend’s driveway & sidewalk. Pat was a joy to know, may God bless and comfort you all during this time. Harvey Roach Cape May
Harvey Roach left a message on March 8, 2023:
My wife Kathy and I are so very sorry to hear that your dear Mother has passed. We were lucky to be friends and neighbors of Pat and Bill on Chatam Drive since 1987. She was such a dear, sweet soul, we will miss her very much! On those rare occasions when we had a deep snow our son Charles would be off down the street with the snow blower, anxious to clear his friend’s driveway & sidewalk. Pat was a joy to know, may God bless and comfort you all during this time. Harvey Roach Cape May
Mary Goodwin left a message on March 8, 2023:
Our condolences to all the Conroy family. Our hearts break for all of you. Pat had a light within that grew brighter each year. Always a smile on her face and a kind word of encouragement for everyone. She was well regarded and loved by everyone who knew her. May God bless and keep her always. Mary & Bill Goodwin and Deborah Hogan
Stephanie Pretzer left a message on March 7, 2023:
Wishing the Conroy family warm memories and peaceful hearts.
Mark Stavitski left a message on March 7, 2023:
Your mom was a gift to everyone who ever met her, sorry for your family's loss.
Cathy Johnson left a message on March 7, 2023:
Patty & Family - I am so sorry for the loss of your Mom, Grandmother, Great Grandmother, and Aunt. Hold all of those wonderful memories close.
Bill Conroy left a message on March 6, 2023:
Mom, I could never fit all the great thoughts I have of you in such a small space here. You were "Mother of the Year" for my last 64 years. You were so caring its almost like you were too good. I am very lucky to have had you as my mother. You were not only a great mom to your own kids, but to ALL your kids friends. Dad picked a great one. With Love, your son Bill.
Amanda Rose left a message on March 6, 2023:
Our family is blessed to have loved you for so long. Rest in Peace to my favorite angel.
Barbara Parker left a message on March 6, 2023:
Aunt Pat was a wonderful person full of love for everyone. Her family meant the world to her as did her friends and neighbors. She loved to go shopping and could be out all day going from store to store. She was never short of a story that would keep you captivated to the end. She enjoyed reading greeting cards as she always selected the perfect card for everyone. Her special notes with her beautiful handwriting was a gift. All of her stickers showed how much fun there was for her and the person receiving the card. Her personality bloomed as she made friends with everyone. She loved to do for others and when she could not do as much for others she was most grateful for what others did for her. She lived a full life and told me many times she "would not change a thing." I miss her already but am comforted by all of her memories such as her smile, loving words, strength, kindness, things we did together, and much more.
Egizi Funeral Home left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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