
John James Walker, Sr.

January 8, 1930 - March 15, 2023
candle-small flame
Egizi Funeral Home Light a candle Light a candle
Light a Candle
Flowers & Gifts

Arrangements starting at $35

John James Walker, Sr., 93, passed away peacefully on March 15, 2023, surrounded by his family. He was a member of Local 14 Heat and Frost Insulators for over 70 years. He was a charter member of the Korean War Memorial Association. He was an avid boater and deep-sea fishing captain.  John was a tellerContinue Reading

Dennis Hildebrand left a message on March 17, 2023:
Peace Mr Walker
Joe Fox left a message on March 17, 2023:
As a member of local 14 I had the great privilege to consider myself a friend of John Walker. He was always fun to be around. John always had a great story to tell and when you happened to run in to at the store he was always a true gentleman. John was the best of a great generation of men. And that photo is perfect.
Egizi Funeral Home left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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