At Egizi Funeral Home we know it’s not always easy to prioritize your own self-care or mental health, especially if you are a parent or someone in a caretaking position. We support our neighbors in Washington Township in managing their mental health, especially during difficult times like grieving a loved one. If you’re feeling stressed, irritable, or having trouble focusing, these may be signs that your mental health is suffering.
Here are 5 tips for prioritizing your mental health:
Embrace daily rituals.
Perhaps you go for a run or a vigorous walk every morning before beginning your day. Maybe you like taking a long hot bath every evening. Find the daily ritual that makes you feel comforted and balanced.
Practice mindfulness.
This doesn’t necessarily need to be sitting in quiet meditation for minutes at a time. Mindfulness can look like a long walk on a nature trail or the careful preparation of one of your favorite dishes for dinner.
Try using positive self-talk.
How we speak to ourselves is important and directly influences our behavior and mood. If you notice you often slip into negative self-talk, try to practice positive affirmations. One of these can be as simple as, “I am stronger than I know,” which may be especially comforting for those who are grieving a loved one. You may also consider using this popular prayer from Julian of Norwich, a 14th-century mystic, as inspiration: “All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.”
Reach out to loved ones you trust.
When we’re feeling anxious or stressed, one of the best things we can do is reach out to loved ones. Whether they’re a family member or a close friend, call them up to see if they can meet you for a coffee or plan to get together in the near future. Spending time with people you love may boost your mental health and also keep feelings of loneliness at bay.
Exercise daily.
Getting daily exercise is vital for maintaining a stable mood. Even if all you have time for is 10 minutes a day, take a quick walk around the block or kick a soccer ball around with someone you love.
If you’re grieving a loved one, our compassionate staff can help connect you with grief support services. Your mental health is important to us, and we encourage everyone in Washington Township to seek help when they need it. Contact our compassionate team anytime 24/7.