
Carol M. Ferrucci

January 31, 1950 - November 20, 2022
candle-small flame
Egizi Funeral Home
candle-small flame
Bob Barnshaw
candle-small flame
Jean Pleis Light a candle
Light a Candle
Flowers & Gifts

Arrangements starting at $35

Egizi Funeral Home
119 Ganttown Road
Turnersville, NJ 08012
(856) 227-9500 | Map
Friday 11/25, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Mary, Mother of Mercy Parish, Our Lady of Lourdes RC Church
500 Greentree Rd.
Glassboro, NJ 08028
856 881-0909 | Map
Saturday 11/26, 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Friendship Cemetery
169 E. Wheat Road
Buena, NJ 08310
Saturday 11/26
Funeral Mass
Mary, Mother of Mercy Parish, Our Lady of Lourdes RC Church
500 Greentree Rd.
Glassboro, NJ 08028
856 881-0909 | Map
Saturday 11/26, 11:15 am

Carol Marie Ferrucci knew one of the greatest secrets in life: the power of stories. Stories to learn by, stories to connect us, stories to help us escape. A selfless romantic for the literary form, Carol shared this secret with everyone she could. She devoured novels quicker than Carmine’s tiramisu, and movie theaters were herContinue Reading

Deborah Cloud left a message on November 27, 2022:
I had the pleasure of working with Carol for over 20 years at WTHS. I was inspired by her positive personality and love of travel. We shared many stories of good reads and adventures around the world. Her light shines on in my memory as a truly wonderful person. Rest in peace, dear friend.
Rick Longenhagen left a message on November 27, 2022:
Sorry to hear of Carol’s passing. My sincere condolences Tom and Sharon. Glad I had the opportunity to meet and speak with Carol. Very nice, engaging and interesting. She’ll be missed.
Deeg left a message on November 26, 2022:
Carol and I were colleagues for many good years. We shared many stories and laughs together. Rest in peace Carol and may perpetual light shine upon you! Love, Deeg
Dolores Canonico left a message on November 24, 2022:
Carol was more than a cousin to me...She was my playmate...It was always a joy to be in her company...I am blessed and honored to have had her in my life...I will miss her terribly...always...
Bob Barnshaw left a message on November 24, 2022:
I remember Carol as a valued colleague and strong advocate for education. It was a privilege to serve on the same staff at WTHS .
Peace of mind is a call away. We’re here when you need us most.
Julie Bertonazzi left a message on November 23, 2022:
Carol was a friend of mine since Junior High! She was always so bright and thoughtful! After High School we followed different life paths! Fortunately last Spring we reconnected and it was like time never went by! We enjoyed laughter and memories! We planned for many more meetings but unfortunately we were only able to connect due to her health issues through messages! It saddens my heart that we will not to make new memories but she will be always be a page in my book of life!
Julie Bertonazzi left a message on November 23, 2022:
Carol was a friend of mine since Junior High! She was always so bright and thoughtful! After High School we followed different life paths! Fortunately last Spring we reconnected and it was like time never went by! We enjoyed laughter and memories! We planned for many more meetings but unfortunately we were only able to connect due to her health issues through messages! It saddens my heart that we will not to make new memories but she will be always be a page in my book of life!
Julie Bertonazzi left a message on November 23, 2022:
Carol was a friend of mine since Junior High! She was always so bright and thoughtful! After High School we followed different life paths! Fortunately last Spring we reconnected and it was like time never went by! We enjoyed laughter and memories! We planned for many more meetings but unfortunately we were only able to connect due to her health issues through messages! It saddens my heart that we will not to make new memories but she will be always be a page in my book of life!
Julie Bertonazzi left a message on November 23, 2022:
Carol was a friend of mine since Junior High! She was always so bright and thoughtful! After High School we followed different life paths! Fortunately last Spring we reconnected and it was like time never went by! We enjoyed laughter and memories! We planned for many more meetings but unfortunately we were only able to connect due to her health issues through messages! It saddens my heart that we will not to make new memories but she will be always be a page in my book of life!
Julie Bertonazzi left a message on November 23, 2022:
Carol was a friend of mine since Junior High! She was always so bright and thoughtful! After High School we followed different life paths! Fortunately last Spring we reconnected and it was like time never went by! We enjoyed laughter and memories! We planned for many more meetings but unfortunately we were only able to connect due to her health issues through messages! It saddens my heart that we will not to make new memories but she will be always be a page in my book of life!
Jean Pleis left a message on November 22, 2022:
Carol will light up heaven. Her love of animals and the care that she gave them will have the angels singing her praises. She was so special that all of us will have a missing piece in our hearts.
Annette Fine left a message on November 22, 2022:
Sharon, Tom, Julia and Marissa.... There are no words for this impossible time. You all gave Carol such wonderful care. All shall be well, and all shall be well. And all manner of thing shall be well. Much Love, The Fines
Kris Lynes left a message on November 22, 2022:
Sharon, I am saddened to read this news. Even 40 years ago, I could see that you two were so connected. I wish I had a balm for you and your family’s pain. Your friend from long ago, Kris
Seigel family left a message on November 22, 2022:
What first comes to mind was Carol's love for animals. She fed the strays, volunteered at shelters and had many pets of her ows over the years. Her compassion was genuine and she will be missed by so many two and four footed friends.
Mary and Tom Vaccara left a message on November 22, 2022:
What a beautiful remembrance of your sister, Sharon. We wish we had known Carol. May she rest in peace.
Terri Maggio left a message on November 22, 2022:
I am heartbroken and send my sincere condolences to Carol’s family. May she Rest In Peace. ???
Egizi Funeral Home left a message:
Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
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